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Since 2020, The Bridge Club has celebrated the tireless efforts of those who toil diligently behind the scenes to make this profession better. In 2024, The Bridge Club honors for the first time APAC veterinary professionals at Singapore Vet Show.

Bright Minds Criteria

Bright Mind


The nominee must meet the following criteria:

  • The nominee must be employed or work within the veterinary profession.

  • Practicing veterinary professional (industry professional, veterinarian, a qualified/highly qualified veterinary technician) in APAC

  • Has not previously been honoured as a Bridge Club Bright Mind 

Bright Mind


  • All nominations are made by professionals within veterinary medicine.

  • Once submitted, former Bright Minds winners will narrow the selections to three per category. 

  • The final three candidates will then be voted on by members of Veterinary Medicine. ​

Bright Mind


  • Free registration to the Singapore Vet Show

  • Recognition on stage at the Singapore Vet Show

  • S$500  Award (SDG)

  • Bright Minds Award

Award Categories


Practice Game Changer

An individual or team focussed on making the practice better by addressing the challenges faced daily by developing new workflows, strategies and approaches to ultimately advance veterinary medicine.


Wellness Champion

Mental health and overall wellness are critical components to the veterinary practice. This person or team puts people first in speciality or general practice with wellness initiatives and care programs for the medical teams.


Industry Influencer

An individual who uses their medium of choice: social media, articles, public speaking, or media appearances to shine light on the profession, medical advancements within vet med.



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